Friday, 26 September 2014

Slightly different Apple Crumble

Generally speaking I eat pretty healthily, but if there's one thing I can't resist it's a warm apple crumble on a Sunday after a good roast dinner - no matter where in the world I am. So, as I am generally a healthy eater, I took it upon myself to rustle up a little recipe to satisfy the apple crumble monster inside me whilst being relatively healthy - no baddies in this girls pudding. 


For the crumble
  • 50g porridge oats
  • 50g almonds
  • 1tbsp chia seeds
  • 2tbsp coconut oil (melted) 
  • 1tsp honey 
  • 1tsp cinnamon
For the apples
  • 3 apples 
  • Hanful of goji berries
  • 2tbsp water
  • 1tbsp agave nectar (or other sugar subsitute) 
  • 1tsp cocnut oil
  • 1tsp vanilla extract (preferably organic) 


Blitz and combine the porridge oats, nuts and chia seeds until they are a fine crumbley texture. 

Stir in the melted coconut, honey and cinnamon until the crumble mixture is sticking together. 

Put the water, agave nectar, coconut oil and vanilla extract into a pan until the mixture boils. DO NOT STIR. You're creating a lovely sweet, healthy caramel, stirring will stop the caramelisation process.

Once the mixture boils take it off the heat and leave to cool. 

Grill the apples, I left the skins on but you can take them off if you prefer. They can go a bit leathery in the cooking process but I don't mind that too much. 

Once your apples are golden put them in a bowl and stir in the caramel and goji berries until everything is evenly combined.

Put the apples into an oven proof bowl and top with the crumble. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes or until golden on top on 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4. 

So that's it. Very simple, very satisfying and no guilt. I served mine warm with blueberry greek yoghurt and it was deliscious. 

You can try this recipe with other fruits as well, pears, rhubarb and berries work really well. Berries are also a really good addition to this recipe.

Try it out and let me know what you think.

Friday, 19 September 2014

A wee bit about Lemon Pea

Hello there! My name's Emily, I'm 20 years old and I'm from a little town on the south coast of England but I'm currently living in Australia travelling around that land down under in a little old van with my very lovely other half. 

So you're probably wondering where 'Lemon Pea' came from. Well let's keep this short and sweet. My family have called me Lemon Pea for as long as I can remember, more so when I was little but now more limited to when I'm sad or have done something stupid. So that's where the name of the blog came from.

This blog was originally called 'Emily J Does Things', and was under that name for about six months. It was a daily blog, and by that I mean I blogged five days a week about all sorts of different things. Travelling, books, food, fitness and just little rambling, chatty posts. The blog started a way of keeping me focused on what I wanted to do - write. And it worked. 

In January this year, I started the NCTJ course to gain journalism diploma. I carried on blogging daily throughout the course but I learned a lot during the course about online journalism and being online through social media and blogging. The course gave me a lot to think about in terms of the presence I wanted to be online. 

I always kept the blog positive and happy because that's the message I wanted to give out. And it still is so that hasn't change a bit. But the course, along with a few months in Australia has taught me a lot about the type of blog I want to be creating and the content I want to be putting out on the big old space we call the internet. 

When I got out to Australia it became impossible to blog daily due to lack of decent, if any, internet connection. I blogged when I could but they became rushed and, let's be honest, pretty boring and crappy posts, sometimes written in the early hours trying to sleep in the back of the van. I don't want that to be the blog I write. I want my readers to enjoy the content they read and feel inspired by the posts they see. Australia has also taught me a lot about being healthy and active and I am feeling healthier and more active than ever and that's a big part of what I want the blog to be.

So now we're here and I'm essentially starting again with my little corner of the internet. A new name, a new me and a whole new direction for the blog. 

It is a lifestyle blog in that I'll be blogging about the type of lifestyle I lead. But it's everything else as well, really the content won't have changed too much from before but hopefully will be a better quality, less rambly (she says as she continues writing the most rambly post ever) and with more direction and focus and continuity throughout the posts. 

Stick around if you're interested in a healthy lifestyle, personal style and good books, all accompanied by a cuppa (and maybe a biscuit).

Sunday, 14 September 2014

I love Bloglovin'

Follow me here

I love Bloglovin'. It's one of my favourite apps on my phone, one of the first things I go to in the morning when I'm seeing what's gone on in the world whilst I was sleeping. I get to follow all my favourite bloggers and their blogs in one place.

I get a feed of posts from all the blogs I follow without having to go to each individual blog. Click on the post on the feed and there it is, on my screen without having to type in every single web address. 

Any posts that I particularly like, I hit the like button and I can go back to them at any time to read them again and feel inspired as they save in my 'liked posts'.

The app is really easy to use and practical that I would advice grabbing on your phone to follow all your favourite blogs including mine. 

Travel Diaries | Hiding Away @ Hideaway Bay

A couple of weeks ago Jack and I took a well needed, and I think deserved, rest break from the outback, rural work life we've been leading for the past three months and headed back to the coast to the beautiful location of Airlie Beach. It's a lovely spot in north Queensland about 275 km south of Townsville and 150 km north of Mackay. Full of backpackers, it's the perfect spot to chill out with bars and restaurants a plenty and the lagoon in the centre.

Jack had been to Airlie Beach before when he was travelling with his family and made sure I got to see all the good bits as well some bits not everyone gets to see. On our third day of enjoying relaxing around the town Jack decided he'd take me to a little place called Hideaway Bay, and I'm so glad he did. 

About an hours drive from Airlie Beach, Hideaway Bay is a lovely little spot prefect for a picnic accompanied by beautiful views. Our little old van made it easily up the dirt track to the spot Jack wanted to stop, much to our amazement and that of the 4x4 road users behind us who managed to almost get themselves stuck in some soft sand which Jack had skillfully avoided. We grabbed our little gas stove, frying pan and the bag of prawns and tuna steak we'd bought in Coles that morning and found ourselves a shady spot where we could enjoy the view of the water and our thai sweet chilli prawns - and tuna steak because that sauce is too sticky to wash out of pan with nothing but a baby wipe. 

We also took it as the opportune moment to try out Jack's GoPro which he'd treated himself too ages ago but hadn't got the change to use yet. We weren't sure if we could swim in the water properly (stinger season's fast approaching) but we had a paddle and gave the GoPro a little swim as well. Unfortunately I can't upload any footage because the wifi is just so dire out here but hopefully I'll get a decent connection soon. 

We had a lovely, blissful day relaxing in the sun and enjoying seafood. The little bay is so secluded that most of the time you basically get the beach to yourself which is sometimes just what you need when you've spent three months surrounded by cattle. 

Friday, 12 September 2014

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>