Monday, 6 February 2017

Maybe we all need a social media detox?

Social Media Detox

Social media is great. We can keep in contact with people on the other side of the world, we can share important messages, we can make changes, all via social media. And that's great. But there are two sides to social media, and as with everything it's not all sunshine and roses. Although everyone's Instagram feed would have you thinking otherwise.

But there lies the problem. Or at least that's how I'm feeling.

I love Instagram, if you follow me you'll know this already. For me it's my favourite social media platform. I'm a very visual person and therefore sharing photos and seeing photos from others everyday is fantastic. I'm a keen user of Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat as well too, obviously. But it can be a bit easy to get lost in it all and feel a bit down about things when all you see is the glossy parts of people's lives.

It's not hard to get caught up and think that you're not doing it quite right when all you see from others is photos of them on golden sandy beaches, strutting around with designer sunglasses on or sharing a coffee in some fancy coffee house for Wednesday brunch. That's not real life but it's easy to forget that. 

We all get a little addicted to social media I'm certainly not immune. I've found myself waking up and reaching straight for my phone and having a scroll before going to bed for the night. It's definitely not healthy and it can feel a little stressful. As a blogger I definitely feel the pressure to post on social media regularly and do feel anxious about not doing it enough. 

Although being on social media regularly comes with the territory of building a blog I want to make more of an effort to not be so reliant on it. Not picking up my phone in the morning until I've had breakfast and got ready for the day, putting it down an hour before bed and not turning to social media when I don't know what else to do. Maybe I'll find that I don't feel so stressed out by it and won't let it effect my reflection on my own life, or maybe I'll just figure out it wasn't social media doing that anyway. Either way I think it's a good idea for everyone to step away from the screen every not and again for a little while and look at the bigger picture. 

Lemon Pea Lifestyle etc

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