As always over here on Lemon Pea Lifestyle etc, the end of the month means a quick run down of a few things that are either new in my life or that I'm particularly loving at the moment. So here's the things that have come under those categories over the past 30 days.
I'm still absolutely loving making and eating my homemade granola and it is something I plan to carry on doing but mixing it up with different flavours and additions. If you want to know how to make your own homemade granola check out my video. Other than my own food genius though, I've been enjoying the Lean Machines recipes from their new book 'The Lean Machines: Eat Well Feel Better'. So far I've made the Chilli Prawn Linguine and Vegetable Red Thai Curry both of which were delicious and so easy to make and healthy. I'm looking forward to delving further into it.
If you read my 'currently reading' blog post last week you will know that I am reading 'Eat Pray Love' by Elizabeth Gilbert. To say I'm loving it is an understatement. I literally don't want to put it down, ever. I'm reading it on my Kindle which is great because, as much as I love a real book they can be a pain in the bum on busy, rush hour, public transport. I'd definitely recommend the book if you're looking for a bit of motivation or are just feeling a bit bleugh.
I haven't got anything hugely new in the lifestyle section and this section kind of confuses me. Really all of these things would come under 'lifestyle' but I seem to mention fitness/beauty/fashion in this section normally so based on that I'm going to recommend the Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief. I don't know if it's the weather or what but my skin is SOO dry and this has helped so much. I use it every morning and most nights (but sometimes I use their overnight rescue) and you can also use it during the day by patting it over your makeup. It's great if you've got dry skin or combination skin but I wouldn't recommend it if you've got oily skin.
This month Jack and I travelled up to the Midlands to the Royal Three Counties Show. We stayed in Tewkesbury and travelled back home via Bath so we got to see a few places in the UK that we hadn't already, which was one of our goals this year. The Three Counties Show was also a lovely day out and right up mine and Jack's street. There'll be a post up about it soon so keep your eyes peeled for that if you want to know more.
I hope you all had a good month and have another good month ahead.
Until next time,