Friday, 29 July 2016

Time to take a break

As you're reading this I'm somewhere in the Woolacombe area of Devon. 

Jack and I haven't had a proper relaxing trip since we've been back from Australia and we thought it was about time we had one. 

We've both been quite tried and stressed recently and I've had a bad time with anxiety and panic attacks so we decided it was the right time to have a break away from everything for a few days.

I've decided that means a blogging break as well. Just a couple of weeks away, a mini blogging holiday, to re-inspire and get some blog ideas down on paper because with everything else that's been on my mind blogging has taken bit of a back seat and I'd rather step away for a little while and get some inspiration and motivation to blog something actually worth reading than to just post something rubbish that no one wants to read.

I'll be back soon. I hope you understand. Until next time.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Me Before You | Review

I finished me before you on the bus to work this morning and it hasn't quite left my mind yet. I loved it so much, it was by far the best book I've read in a long time. I felt so connected to it and I can tell already that it will be one that will stick with me and I will genuinely miss reading the characters that Jojo Moyes created here. 

When Louisa Clarke looses her job at The Buttered Bun, the only cafe in her small town, she'll do anything to ensure she can continue to help support her family. After a few failed attempts at finding a job she reluctantly goes for a job as a carer. Will Traynor doesn't see the point in life following a motorbike accident that left him paralysed from the torso down meaning he needs constant care and can no longer lead the high flying adventurous life he was used to. He hates not being in control of his life and is ready to end it all. When Louisa discovers this she makes it her mission to change Will's mind and make him see that life is still worth living. As their relationship develops both their lives take a course that neither of them had anticipated. 

It sounds like chick lit right? Girl meets boy, they fall in love, there's some miracle and then a happy ever after. That's where you'd be wrong. This is so much more than that. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me so many emotions and the overarching question of does someone have the right to end their own life was dealt with sensitively but without reservation. 

Jojo Moyes has created wonderful characters in Me Before You. Every character within the book has a valid role to play and they're all perfectly rounded. However, in Louisa and Will, Moyes has created characters that I am sure I will go back to in a few years time. They are both so loveable, even Will with his cynical view and sarcastic, sometimes mean, comments. Louisa is beautifully charming, quirky, bright and funny but without direction. 

The romance that is played up in promotion for this book (and it's movie adaptation) is actually quite minimal in this book. Although there is a love story what really pushes through is the freedom to make your own choices and live your own life and how that can be effected, or not, by who we meet. 

Everything felt so real in this book and it comes down to the normalcy of Moyes' storytelling. There's no lofty language or over fictionalisation of anything. The conversations are normal, the setting is normal and it all works to make the book poignant and moving. It's a reminder that real people are going through what Will is going through and others have the same anxieties and concerns as Louisa. 

When I finished this book all I wanted to do was go back to page one and start again. I wanted to devour Will and Louisa's story again and again. It's a must read, definitely before the movie is released on DVD. 

Until next time,

Monday, 25 July 2016

Thought of the week #27

It can often feel like you're not getting anywhere with things. It feels like you've been at it for ages and you're not much further than where you started, right? Wrong. For every second you put into whatever it is you want to achieve, you're getting somewhere. You're a step closer than you were yesterday, a might be a big step it might be a small one, but it's a step. That's what you should focus on.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

#CurrentlyReading #2

Currently Reading

Remember when I said I was going to read 20 books before I bought any new ones? Ha! Clearly I don't know myself very well. I've bought a few a couple of books this month and I have been loving reading. I don't feel so bad because I've been racing through books at the moment so none of them have been sitting on my nightstand gathering dust while I get lost in YouTube videos or boxsets. 

In my last #CurrentlyReading post I'd just picked up Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. After finishing it I had very mixed emotions. I enjoyed reading it, I enjoyed the travelling side of it and experience new places and it really made me want to go to all of them - Italy, India and Indonesia. But I found Gilbert to be self absorbed and unaware of her own privileged that allowed her to go off travelling to all these places. I also felt that although she travelled to all these places she didn't dive head first into them and really discover all they have to offer, which personally, really bugged me. I felt like I was constantly waiting for her to show me something of the beaten track. 

When you get away from the self indulgent, annoying side of her monologue the book is enjoyable and fun. The travelling element is really fun, her writing is really good and enjoyable and the ultimate point of 'what do you want?' is really motivational and inspirational. 

I've just picked up 'Me Before You' by Jojo Moyes. Yep jumping on that bandwagon. The movie has just been in the cinema but I didn't get around to seeing it. I'm a massive book before movie believer so I figured I'd read the book before it comes out on DVD.

I'm really enjoying it so far. It's one of those books that you just lose yourself in and find yourself thinking about even when you're not reading it. The story is beautiful, the characters are beautiful and the writing is beautiful. Unless things take a dramatic turn for the worst I would definitely recommend.

However, in between picking up Me Before You and putting down Eat, Pray, Love, I also read Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon. It's about a teenage girl, Maddy, who is allergic to the world, she hasn't left the house in seventeen years. Olly, a teenage boy, moves in next door and everything changes. I loved the premise of this book, there were twists and turns and I couldn't put it down. I read it in the space of two days which is saying something considering I work 9-5 and normally can't be bothered to do anything other than veg once I get in. I'm not going to say too much more because I'm planning on doing a full review before the end of the month, so keep your eyes open for that if you're interested but unsure.

What have you been reading recently?

Until next time,

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Monday, 18 July 2016

Thought of the week #26

We're always busy making sure everyone else is ok, and happy and doing well that we often forget about ourselves. We end up feeling exhausted and down. Every now and again, why not one evening every week? Take some time to yourself to focus on you and your head space. Just sit an enjoy a cuppa, read a few pages of a book, have a bath, do a workout. Just something that takes you away from focusing on anything other than you. 

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Solo Blueberry Pancakes

Blueberry Pancakes

I love pancakes. If I had my way it would be pancake day everyday. Nutella, fruit, cheese all kinds I love them. And they're my favourite Saturday morning breakfast. However, there are mornings when either I'm on my own or no one else wants pancakes (who are those people!?!) so this is the recipe I use when I'm making my pancakes for little old me. 

You will need:

1 cup of flour
1 large egg
1 cup of milk
A pinch of salt
1 cup of blueberries 

Your favourite toppings. 

Put all the ingredients apart from the blueberries into a jug or a bowl and whisk it until the batter is smooth.

Heat up a pan with a small amount of oil. Swirl the oil around so it coats the pan. 

Add a ladle full of batter to the pan at a time. Cook on one side until small bubbles start forming. Flip the pancake and cook until golden. 

Do this until you run out of batter.

To keep the pancakes warm whilst you're cooking the others put them in an oven heated to 50c/122F. Once you've cooked all the pancakes put them on a plate and add your favourite toppings.

I went for Coconut milk ice cream, raspberries and maple syrup. But you could use Nutella, bananas whatever you fancy. The options are limitless. 

This recipe makes 3-4 pancakes so is perfect for one serving but if you can't eat them all let them cool down, wrap them in cling film and heat them up in the pan for the next morning. Pancakes all weekend, what could be better?

Hope you enjoy this recipe, let me know if you use it. 

Until next time,

Thursday, 14 July 2016

The Royal Three Counties Show 2016

You know it's British Summer Time when you've got to pack both your wellington boots and your sandals to go away for a weekend, because let's be honest who knows that the weather is going to do. That's exactly what Jack and I did in the middle of last month on a trip to Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire. In fact, we went and bough wellies specifically for the occasion.

We went up their mainly because we were going to the Royal Three Counties Agricultural Show. Jack had been before and really enjoyed himself so we decided we'd go so I could experience it as well.
We both love country and agricultural shows. We love being outside in the country and everything that goes along with that. We love the countryside lifestyle and being out in the fresh air throughout the year.
We had such a lovely day out at the show, even with the necessary wellies. I thought instead of rambling on about all the things you can see, animals, stores, demonstrations, I thought I'd share a few photos of the day with you.

Horsing around

'I can't actually see love'

Nearly there

And through the tunnel

Close shave

A very unimpressed Alpaca

Falling with style

I don't know Jack wanted a picture of the wood

Hungry babies at the end of the day

What'chu looking at?

Until next time,

Monday, 11 July 2016

Thought of the week #25

We all need to get out of the head space where we think mistakes mean we've failed. Everyone makes mistakes , big or small, we wouldn't be human if we didn't. Instead of viewing mistakes as a failure let's try viewing them as a learning curve, proof that we're trying if nothing else. Taking a more positive mindset to things that are often negative makes all the difference. 

Until next time,

Monday, 4 July 2016

Thought of the week #24

Everyone doubts themselves from time to time and it could be to do with anything. Going to university, getting a promotion, finding a house. But all it really does is make us take a step back and stop us from doing something we want to do. If we were to just go for it and try the outcome could be completely different from what the doubt was saying it would be. You might fail, but then again you might succeed and just because you failed that time doesn't mean you will the next time. Get up and try again.

Until next time,


Friday, 1 July 2016

Hello July

Hello July
In June I declared that summer was finally here but since then I could probably count the days of sun we've had on one hand, so I'm not going to say anything about the weather and the fact that it is officially summer at all. 

June literally flew past and it was definitely a good one. Jack and I took our first break since going to Australia, it was a little different to Aus but it was still lovely to get away. We drove down to Tewkesbury in the Midlands for the weekend with the main purpose of going to the Royal Three Counties Show but we also had a look around Tewkesbury and drove home via Bath. It was so good to get away for a few days and there'll definitely be a post up about it soon. 

Jack and I also moved out of the house we'd been temporarily living in back to our parents. It's confusing so I won't go into details. However, it does mean back to full time wifi so posts will hopefully be less up and down and more consistent. 

July isn't full of any plans whatsoever. It's kind of nice every now and again to not plan loads of stuff and just see where the month takes you. So that's what I'll be doing this month along with the normal stuff of keeping fit, eating healthy and trying to get my Aussie photo album started.

What are you up to this month?

Until next time,