Friday, 1 August 2014

Mackay in 24 hours | The Travel Diaries

Mackay is a city spread over miles, it's rather large and probably takes a good forty five minutes to get from one side of the city to the other. We drove 9 hours 17 minutes and 741 km to get there from Augathella and had a grand total of 17 hours to see the sites. Moderate success for this one.

I think we saw about a third of Mackay very quickly through a car window as we were given a very quick guides tour by our employer who we were there to collect and being he. We probably would have had more time if I had been so insistent on having to have a new dress for dinner. I got one though, a nice one and in record time. Success high here. 

Top 3 things to see if in Mackay and in a hurry:
• The harbour - especially if you're into the sea and stuff like me and Jack. It felt a lot like being back home and Jack was in his element with all the big boys.
• Slade point - the area the first settlers banished all the aboriginals and islanders to but turns out it's got the nicest views of Mackay so bigger fools them
• The river - Mackay is coastal and there's a lot of water to be seen there's some great spots just to sit and look out at it all as going in isn't always an option unless you want to be eaten or stung or something else equally unpleasant

There's also some great shopping centres which of course I didn't miss but they're not essential if 24 hours is your limit. Also I suggest heading to Victoria Street for the pick of the restaurants and bars.

So there we have it Mackay in 24 hours. Advisable not necessarily doable. 

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