Friday, 21 November 2014


I used to hate any kind of fitness. Running made me feel sick at the simple thought of it, workouts made me want to laugh at myself, and yoga was for wierdo hippies. Then I grew up slapped myself in the face and told myself to stop making lame excuses.

Until recently the most exercise I got was running for a train but last year I made a damn promise to myself to get fit and keep fit and I think I've  kept it so far. The answer cutting out the excused. Trust me I used to make them all. I haven't got the money, I haven't got the equipment, I haven't got the time blah blah blah. The answer is you have you just don't want to have.

Travelling has taught me you don't need any flash equipment to do a workout. Filled litre bottles of water work great as weights, a chair can easily be made into a step and piece of old rope works great for skipping, how do you think they skipped in the olden times? But in all honesty you don't need to save three weeks wages for fitness equipment anymore. You can pick up relatively cheap fitness stuff all over the place now, shops like Argos, Tescos, Target are all likely to have what you're looking for at an affordable price. You don't need to go out buy every fitness item under the sun just those you know you'll need. I keep it simple with weights, rope and a step. 

Even fitness wear is cheap to come buy now. I picked up some fitness leggings and two sports bras for 30 AUD (about £17) the other day and you can do the same in the UK at places like Matalan and most supermarkets. Ok it won't have a Nike tick or the adidas logo but who cares it keeps you covered, absorbs the sweat and basically does the job you need for half the price.

But I can't afford a gym membership! I hear you cry. YOU DON'T NEED ONE. Gyms are an expensive waste of money, if you've garden, live near a park or have a relatively big room in your house say hello to your new free gym. Find some free workout guides online, check out youtube fitness gurus such as blogilates and you're well away. You can pay money for fitness guides and they'll work and they're good but you don't have to if you don't want to. There's also good old fashioned options like running, walking and cycling. I've told myself once I feel fit and active enough and really committed myself to keeping fit then I might consider joining a gym but I don't see the point if you're not really going to go for it and you won't know that until you try. 

In this ever busy world it can be hard to find a spare half an hour, yes that's all it takes a day to make a difference. But as we've discovered you don't even need to leave the house to workout it's made this predicament a little easier to solve. I find just getting up half an hour earlier makes it easier to squeeze that workout in. After a work out and a cool shower you're pumped for the day with a tonne more energy than normal and you won't spend the day thinking about when you're going to get it done and putting yourself off the idea. However, if you feel happier doing it in the morning and you're not the type of person who easily dissuades themselves from something that do it when you walk in the door in the evening. 

So hopefully that solves a few problems for anyone with all the same excuses I had. I'm no fitness guru I know that, but I'm getting fitter and these are all things I faced when I made my decision to get fit so just have a think about them.

One thing I would spend a few of your hard earned dollars on however, is a pair of decent running shoes. It's ridiculous how much proper running shoes, no flat soles, will make. Better posture, less next day pain and better generally for your body. I have a pair of New Balance's which I love and are super comfy but Asics are ones I would highly, highly, recommend.

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