So here we are with the first travel diaries. In case you missed my last post, this is a new little series that I'm going to do during my at the end of every week as a little round up of what I've seen, done and experienced. I thought it would be a nice way for other's to get some ideas of things that are about in the area and also a good way for me to be able to look back at my travels.
Jack and I have been in Brisbane a fair while now and whilst I haven't managed to secure any permanent work yet, as always, Jack has. So three days a week I sit in the apartment reading, writing, marathoning Pretty Little Liars and looking for a job and Jack goes to work. However, on the four days in between we've managed to squeeze in a few adventures and fun days out.
We're definitely lovers of nature and natural beauty rather than big bustling cities so we often try to get out of the city on the weekend. We took ourselves of to Somerset Dam earlier in the week. It was so peaceful and tranquil and also had some lunch from the cafe at one of the stops along the dam. It's definitely a great place to get out of the city as it's only a forty five minute drive. It doesn't even have to cost a penny because there's plenty of picnic benches around to enjoy a homemade picnic at.
Midweek Jack decided he wanted to see the sea. It's craving both of us get every now and again. So Jack had a google and found Brighton beach. Well we couldn't exactly not go, could we? It wasn't the best day weather wise so the beach was a bit grey but it kinda felt like Brighton beach for real that way. We just enjoyed sitting by the sea and having a walk along the front. It was, again, a nice escape from the noise of the city but inexpensive and not as crowded as beaches such as Surfers Paradise.
Whilst on one of my Google hunts for things to do in Brisbane. I stumbled across the Jan Powers farmer's market which is held every Saturday at the Powerhouse in New Farm. Although it wasn't as big as the farmer's markets we're used to at home it was a really nice morning. I won't go too much into this as I have a whole blog post planned for it as I loved it so much.
We're living with friends of ours in Brisbane so it's always nice to get out and do things with them as well as 90% of the time it's just Jack and I. This past week we enjoyed a nice meal out at the Archive Beer Boutique in West End which was a great evening out accompanied by some awesome live music. We also got taken up to Mt Tambourine and the little village and waterfalls around it. It was a lovely day but again there's a whole blog post planned for this so more about that another time.
Until next time,

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