Thursday, 27 August 2015

Reads and Reading #1

Did you know that it's easier to make something habit if you do it in the same place and at the same time every time you do it? I've been employing this piece of information in my life in several ways recently, one of which has been in my reading habits. And also my sheet changing habits. This may sound odd but if you've been keeping up with me here at LPL recently you'll know what I'm talking about.

Sundays have taken on a whole new greatness for me over the past couple of weeks, I know Sundays are great just by being Sunday's. However, with my new sheets and new book regime Sundays are better than they've ever been. If you're a bit confused check out my Sunday sheets blog post.

So far I've been sticking to this new regime and the last three books I've started have all been started on a Sunday evening. I've been making an extra effort to get my current book read by Sunday evening simply for the pleasure of starting a new books in fresh, crisp bed sheets. So I suppose I should get on with some micro reviews of what I've been reading recently.

To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee 

Talk about jumping on a bandwagon ey? With the release of Harper Lee's new novel 'Go Set a Watchman' I had to pick up 'To Kill a Mockingbird' has for some reason I hadn't done so before. In case you've been living under a rock, 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is a work of great American literature that explores innocence, kindness, cruelty through the eyes of two children watching their father defend a black man accused of raping a white woman in the deep south in the 1930's. It's should be on everyone's to read before I die list. I loved it more than I thought it would. It's one of those classics that doesn't feel hard to read or heavy. It was beautiful, humourous and obviously a great piece of literature.

Boy, Roald Dahl

I saw this book on the bookshelves here at the farm and couldn't resist. I loved Roald Dahl as a child and always knew he had, had an interesting life so couldn't wait to delve into his memoirs. This first memoir of Dahl's is clearly aimed at children with the same sick, dark humour and sense of fun and excitement. The book is a collection on anecdotes of memories from his younger years that are hilarious and terrifying but a definite must read for any fans of Dahl's writing.

Going Solo, Roald Dahl

So after reading boy I couldn't not carry on with more Roald Dahl. Unlike 'Boy' this one is aimed more to the adult audience. The humour is less frequent but the stories of Dahl's time spent in Africa and also fighting in WW2 in the RAF are fascinating and un-put-downable. Again if you're a fan of Roald Dahl's other work you should pick up both these memories soon. They definitely give you an idea as to where he might have got the wacky ideas for his outlandish children's books.

Currently Reading

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, Rachel Joyce
I picked this up on Sunday obviously and I've struggled to put it down. This is such a fun and easy read and was just what I was wanting. After a classic and two non fiction books I was looking for some light fiction with a good story and this is perfect for that. Joyce's writing is beautiful and she captures Harold and Maureen and all the other characters so well, it's enchanting. This is the story of a retired gentleman, Harold,  who receives a letter from a Queenie Hennesy he used to know that informs him she's dying. On the way to post his reply letter, an conversation sparks the idea that he will walk the letter to Queenie and leave his bitter wife Maureen behind at home. I'll let you know my thoughts on this one soon but I'm loving it so far.

So that's it, my first reads and reading post. What are you reading at the moment? Let me know in the comments below or tweet me. Also don't forget to follow me on Goodreads to keep up with what I'm reading.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

The tropical north | Picture Diary

Traditional boomerangs at Cairns night market

Windsurfing at Trinity Beach

Stream in the Daintree rainforest 
Returning to Cairns harbour after our day on the reef

Beach at Port Douglas

Undara lava tubes

Michelmas Cay from Ocean Spirit

It's been just over a month since Jack and I took our trip to Cairns and the surrounding areas. Finally I've got to sorting through all the photos I took and have devised a few blog posts. There will be several in this 'Tropical North' series so if you're thinking of taking the journey or just want to see more of what's about up there, keep your eyes peeled over the coming weeks. 

Today's post is simply a bit of a picture diary of our time in Cairns and the other places visited whist we were there. Hopefully it will give you a bit of a feel for what's coming up in this mini series and also I get to show of some of my favourite photos from the trip.

Until next time,

Sunday, 16 August 2015

No naughty muesli bars with yoghurt and banana

Another week another experiment in the kitchen. This time I've tried to take the muesli bar and make it easy to make at home and way more worth doing so than buying a pack of six from the supermarket that have probably got a heap of ingredients you don't want in them if you're trying to be healthy.

These muesli bars and easy to make, super yummy and with no added naughty. 

For the muesli bars:

2tbsp honey
2tbsp organic crunchy peanut butter
1tbsp coconut oil
2 cups of organic muesli 

Heat the honey, peanut butter and coconut oil in a pan until it's all melted. 
Once it's melted add the muesli slowly ensuring the mixture is really sticky. 
Once you've combined the mixture pour it into a baking tray, even it out and bake at 180C/356F/Gas Mark 4 for 15-20 minutes or until the top looks golden and crunchy. 
Allow to cool.

For the banana topping:

1 banana

Chop the banana into thin slices.
Prepare a baking tray with baking paper. 
Arrange the slices on the baking tray  and put under the grill at 180C/356F/Gas Mark 4 for about 10 minutes. You want them to go crispy and golden but not burned. 
Allow the banana chips to cool before removing from the paper. 

Once the muesli is cool top half with the bananas and half with a drizzle of yoghurt. I used a low fat greek yoghurt. Greek yoghurt is full or protein so is a great addition here. 
Cut it into slices, I got 12 out of mine but you can make them bigger or smaller to your fancy. 
Put the slices in the freezer for about half an hour for the yoghurt to set and the slices to firm up.

And lastly enjoy.

I hope you like this recipe. I'm making these again today for some morning tea. You can also freeze these if you want to make them ahead of time for something. If you use this recipe let me know how it goes and make sure to send me a photo of them.

Until next time,

Sunday, 9 August 2015

A lot has happened #TravelDiaries

It's been a while since I've written a travel diaries post but I think when you read how much we've been doing you'll realise why. We've been incredibly hectic over the past weeks and it doesn't show much sign of slowing down but that's not really a problem for us. We love being busy and getting stuck in and it makes our Sunday's off a whole lot more enjoyable.

We've been doing a lot of mustering over the past weeks. If you're unsure what mustering is it's essentially herding cattle in the cattle yards so we can draft them, often into bulls, cows and weeners (calves that are ready to be weened from their mums) and then letting them back out into paddocks accordingly. 

With mustering comes weening which takes 5-7 days depending on the weeners. It's a lot of time spent in the yards educating them to walk around the yards in the right direction and not get crazy and cranky. It also involves a lot of leading them out of the yards to make sure they walk and not trot or run when they're being mustered in the future. Weening is also the time when any weeners that haven't been ear tagged get all those things done. Once that's done they're let out into a paddock immediately to avoid infection. 

We've also been mustering to send cattle off to feed lots and meat works recently so we've been drafting cattle by weight. It's a little more fiddly and time consuming but when you've got two pens of cattle at the end of the day with the right numbers and weights it's a good feeling. 

This sort of drafting normally involves loading and trucking as well. Loading is normally done as quickly as possible so the trucky can get on the road quickly so the cattle are in the truck for the least time possible and also so the cattle don't get as stressed. However cattle unfortunately don't understand that so it can be a bit of stressful experience. 

All in all though it's really good fun mustering and drafting and trucking and weening. It's also the part that Jack and I enjoy the most as it's nothing like we've done before and probably would never have done otherwise. 

In similar but other news, we got the bulls into the yards this week on their own for sperm testing. And yes that involves exactly what you think it does. I won't go into too much detail as I'm not sure how many of you would enjoy the read but you never know I suppose. Essentially the bull has probe up it's bum and the vet holds a funnel under it's penis to catch the sperm to inspect them to ensure they're behaving as they're meant to. Oh and guess who got to hold the probe, yes yours truly. Quickly onwards. The vet also makes sure the bulls are in general good health.

We've been having a really interesting time recently and we'll be back to it in the coming weeks which is good. 

I hope you've all been having a good few weeks, let me know what you've been up to and what you're thinking of my recent experiences in the comments.

Until next time,

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Sunday is sheets day

Happy Sunday everyone! 

My Sunday is nearly over now. I've just tucked into a beautiful steak followed by a nice, healthy apple, pear and peach crumble made by yours truly. So based on that alone I think it's fair to say that I've had a pretty good Sunday.

But it goes a lot further than that. I've been exposed to the idea of washing our bed sheets on a Sunday rather than mid-week and I am completely taken by it. I got the idea from Holly of the podcast Bookish Blether which I highly recommend to any book lovers out there looking for more excuses to be bookish. 

So from now on, Sunday is the day when our sheets get washed. Is there anything better than getting into bed when the sheets are fresh and pulled tight and cosy? I think not. And on a Sunday when Monday morning is literally around the corner it makes everything a bit better.

However this isn't where the idea ends and it only gets better. Better how? I hear you cry.

Well it gets better with books, so if you're not into books and reading perhaps it doesn't get better so you just stick with the sheets. However, if you're into books and reading then read on. 

Clean sheets plus a new book is the ultimate goal here. So from here on out I aim to read a book a week and finish by Sunday so I can get into bed on a Sunday with fresh sheets and a fresh book. I'm excited by this prospect however, I'm not going to put loads of pressure on myself to finish a book every week as that can ruin the reading experience however I will aim to start new books on a Sunday as the idea of getting into a nice, clean warm bed with a new book to get lost in is a concept I just can't pass up on.

Well I hope you all have a fabulous Sunday, I'm off to get into my bed with 'Catcher in the Rye'. If you're Sunday's just starting maybe pop those sheets in the wash and decide what you might pick up to read this evening.

Don't forget to let me know what you're reading and if you've got any recommendations for me.

Until next time,