Sunday, 23 August 2015

The tropical north | Picture Diary

Traditional boomerangs at Cairns night market

Windsurfing at Trinity Beach

Stream in the Daintree rainforest 
Returning to Cairns harbour after our day on the reef

Beach at Port Douglas

Undara lava tubes

Michelmas Cay from Ocean Spirit

It's been just over a month since Jack and I took our trip to Cairns and the surrounding areas. Finally I've got to sorting through all the photos I took and have devised a few blog posts. There will be several in this 'Tropical North' series so if you're thinking of taking the journey or just want to see more of what's about up there, keep your eyes peeled over the coming weeks. 

Today's post is simply a bit of a picture diary of our time in Cairns and the other places visited whist we were there. Hopefully it will give you a bit of a feel for what's coming up in this mini series and also I get to show of some of my favourite photos from the trip.

Until next time,

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