We're here again, It's a blog post with an excuse attached as to why I've been away for a while. This time it's a valid excuse however I still hate not getting the posts up regularly. It really reminds me of the importance to schedule things to go up ahead of time so if you're caught up in something else it doesn't matter.
I had to have an eye operation last week. Yep an eye operation - told you it was a good excuse. My retina, at some point in the not so distant past, decided it didn't fancy being attached to my eye. I mean I get it 21 years attached to the same thing probably gets a little boring but when someones sight is dependent on you remaining attached you'd think you'd stick around.
I don't know how it happened or when although I've got a few guesses. Scuba diving, jumping of a rock and face planting the water are my main ones. But it got discovered at a general run of the mill opticians appointment. I knew something was wrong because she was spending far too long looking at my right eye. Anyway, after being seen by every optician in my local Specsavers I was referred to the hospital to be seen by a specialist.
A parking fine, two lots of eye drops and five hours later and it was confirmed. I was going to have to have an operation to reattach my retina to ensure I didn't go blind anytime soon.
And that was that. I had the operation and everything went fine despite my obvious worrying. The anesthetic scared me, the sewing my eye back together thing scared me, it all scared me. But it was all fine and I'm back at work with slightly blurry vision in one eye and a good black eye, but other than that all good.
I seem to be a bit of a medical mystery though. Normally a detached retina cause you to get spots in your vision, flashing lights or something like that. But I had nothing. No symptoms whatsoever and apparently it had been there a while.
It just goes to show kids, make sure you see the optician regularly. Seriously. Massive thanks to Specsavers for being so vigilant.
Just because having a wonky eye wouldn't be enough drama to start the year I've also got tonsillitis at the moment, which as you can imagine is just what the doctor didn't order. Apparently I got it caught before it's really kicked in so hopefully will be nothing more than a niggly throat for a couple of days.
Anyway, blog posts back to the regular this week starting with a great recipe for the weekend ahead tomorrow.
Until next time,

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