We all do it. We shouldn't but we do. We get a spot, or pimple, or zit or whatever you want to call it, and within seconds we're bathing it in boiling hot water and squeezing it until it's red raw and bleeding. I'm not saint, I've been guilty of it before. But, no longer. And I want you to stop too.
To begin with we shouldn't really pop our spots at all. Ideally you want to be leaving well alone and if you really must touch it, treat with an anti-inflammatory acne treatment with a low percentage of salicylic acid or benzoyl acid and cover over with concealer and draw attention away from the area. If the spot is red where you've been picking at it (naughty naughty) or just hasn't formed a head yet DON'T TOUCH IT WITH ANYTHING. I know it looks horrible but leave it be until it's healed and you'll thank yourself later.
However if you really must pop your spot, and I'm one of those sometimes, then here are a few tips and tricks. However, don't even think about touching the spot if it's red, hasn't got a head or is sore. Just don't. Stop. Now.
Anyway here are the tips.
1. Make sure everything you're using on your face, touching your face with, whatever, is clean. When dealing with spots you don't want any dirt getting anywhere near it that will only make the situation worse. So wash your hands first and use a clean flannel or muslin cloth to cleanse your face before going in for the pop. P.S. If a hot flannel doesn't knock the head of the spot there and then this is probably a sign that the spot isn't ready to go yet. You want to be able to see white after cleansing and you don't want it to be sore or tender.
2. Use tissue wrapped around your fingers to actually get the spot out. It's cleaner and you're less likely to dig your nails in.
3. You want to use your finger tips not your nails and push downwards, in and then up. Like you're literally pushing the spot out of you. If you're fingers are too close you'll just end up busing the gunk back into your skin.
4. Once you start to see pink. STOP. We've all heard that think 'if it bleeds it means it's all out'. You don't want it to bleed. Bleeding equals scarring and that will take FOREVER to fade.
5.Use a pre-soaked acid toner pad (you can either use a cotton wool pad soaked in an acid toner of your choice or ready made pads such as the Clearisil Ultra Rapid Action pads) and press it firmly it on the spot until there is no more pink or blood. P.S. It will sting like a b***h but go with it and embrace in. Stinging is good it means no bacteria and good healing.
6. Apply a good quality facial oil. Yep oil. But oil means spots right? Nope.Bacteria is more like to spread on dehydrated skin also hydrated skin is harder to scar so go with oil or at least a very heavy duty moisturiser.
7. Try to leave the area alone after that. Popping a spot is better done in the evening when you can slob in front of the TV no make up required. But if you have to do it in the morning and want to put make up on then do so. But cleanse your face as soon as you get home and do the process again.
So that's it 7 tips to popping success. Let me know how you get it on and if you'd like more beauty/skincare related posts.
Until next time,

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