Saying hello to April is a little late this month but I'm still getting over a lovely, long Easter weekend so hopefully you can forgive me.
I'm so happy that Spring is beginning to show it's face. The sun is out more, even if it is still a little nippy. And the evenings are getting lighter which is my favourite thing. I always do more and am far more active in the evenings in the Spring and Summer. Spring is my favourite season, I think. It feels very calm and refreshing and I think it's a good time to really make head on goals and resolutions.
I feel like so far this year I've been struggling to find time to do all the things and projects I want to do. I'm no nearer to sorting out a photo album esque thing for my Australian photos than I was the day I landed back in the UK and that is one of my main things I want to do. I hate the thought of those photos being forgotten about.
Jack and I bought some vegetable/fruit plants the other day so there will definitely be a project around that soon which I'm sure will be featured here.
I aimed to be organised with everything by the time April came around and I haven't done that either. So I guess I should say by May that will be done? We'll see.
One thing I really aim to get done this month is get back into a workout routine because I had it done to tea before and actually enjoyed it but somewhere along the line that went out the window so I really want to sort that out.
In general I really feel April is a good month for a big spring clean. Get rid of stuff you don't need. sort out your goals and realise what you want to get done.
What are your goals for April? Let me know.

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