I can't quite believe it's the end of January already. We've already done one our of the twelve months out of this year which really is slightly terrifying but a round of applause to everyone for making it through January which is, let's be honest, probably the worst of all months. However, as months go this one has been pretty good for me.
I started January and 2015 celebrating the start of the new year in Sydney which was a pretty awesome and unbeatable way to start the year for sure. It was something we'd talked about but until December weren't sure was going to happen so the fact we managed to get there in good time to enjoy Sydney and NYE was incredible. It definitely got the year of to a good start.
Spending the last month in Yamba enjoying the beaches, looking after the dogs and the bird has been a lot of fun and super relaxing. Although it's also been stressful at times because we haven't been able to earn the money we'd have liked it's been a nice time really enjoying what's around and what this small part of Australia has to offer. We do a lot of travelling around but we often move on quite quickly and don't always get to see everything we'd like but we've really taken advantage of the not having anything to do and seen as much as possible.
As always we've done a fair bit of driving but it's been worth it to see things we wanted to see. We really go to explore Byron Bay and Coffs Harbour and just spend the whole day wandering around and seeing what there was to see. It's been nice to get to some new places we haven't seen before particularly Byron as I feel it's a place you here a lot about so it was good to go and see it myself.
Off course we've been enjoying the beaches and spending a lot of time in the water particularly on the hot sunny days, although the weather has been a bit grey recently when the sun comes out to the beach it is. We both love the beach so it's been good throughout the month to get some quality beach time, and at some different and beautiful beaches *cough* Byron beach *cough*.
As expected when there's a kitchen to be used I'm in it. While we've had a kitchen again I've been enjoying creating some yummy food - a lot of Asian, but also doing some baking. We were left with a huge bunch of bananas which all went ripe on the same day so of course I had to make some banana bread with it and we were enjoying it for a few days afterwards. It's always nice to have some homemade food in the house.
So that's pretty much my January I'll be ending the month with my first hair cut of the year and hopefully a trip to Australia Zoo on the weekend.
I hope you all enjoyed January and got 2015 off to a cracking start?
Until Monday...

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