Happy February everyone. Yes, the second month of the year is officially upon us (which is a little hard to believe, it's all going so quickly already) and that means we've all already had a whole month, 31 days to be exact, to get to grips with our resolutions and start working to make sure we don't get to the end of the year feeling we've let ourselves down.
I set myself five resolutions for this year and I'll be honest I haven't done a particularly good job at making a start on all of them but here's a little review and a look at what I've been doing towards each one over the past 31 days.
1) Be more consistent with my exercise routine.
So far this year, apart from walking Bear and Charlie near on every day, I've done little to no exercise. More on the no scale here. I don't know why, I've had the time, space and means to do any exercise I desire but yet I've done none of the usual workouts or runs. I have been walking the dogs for roughly 30 minutes everyday so that's something I suppose but not quite what I'd hoped. So all in all this resolution will be one I'll really focus on throughout February.
2) Get up earlier.
This has been relatively successful. Apart from weekends I've been up by 8am everyday and my goodness do I feel good for it. I feel a lot more energised and ready for a full day of doing stuff so I'm glad I made this resolution. This month I'll be trying to combine my getting up earlier with the regular exercise and hopefully more progress will be made.
3) Take more photos.
Again this has been pretty successful. I haven't taken a photo everyday but I've taken more photos when I've had days where I'm taking photos. I've definitely documented more and I'm so glad about that because, particularly while I'm doing such fun and new things while travelling, I don't want anything to go forgotten.
4) Make the healthiest choices.
This one has been successful for the most part too. Weekends not always, sometimes I find myself indulging a little on Saturday and Sunday but not anything to bad and let's be honest it's the weekend. However, on the whole I've felt like I've been a lot healthier throughout this month and like the waking up earlier it's definitely made me feel better - less lethargic and less bloated.
5) Reading resolutions.
Yep I'm combining all of my reading resolutions into one for this monthly occurrence on the blog, mainly so as not to bore you and so you might actually get to the end of the post. So my reading hasn't been too good. I didn't even finished one book in the last month which is disappointing for me. I'm finding the book I'm reading to be on of those books where once you've picked it up you don't want to stop but getting to it and picking it up feels a bit of an effort so I think that's got something to do with it however, I'm hoping to finish it in the first week of February and then we'll be more on track. I've got some good books I'm really looking forward to getting to so keep your eyes out for a review soon hopefully.
So there we go, mostly the resolutions are going well I feel. How about you? How are your resolutions going? Don't forget to let me know in the comments.
Until Wednesday,

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