'Love means never having to say you're sorry' is a famous quote from 1970 movie, Love Story. Let's be honest they got a lot of things wrong in the 70's: men in platforms, afro hair for everyone and patterned carpet. Well I'd now like to add this quote to the list because I think love means, among other things, admitting you need to say sorry and saying sorry because you actually care.
So here's all the things I'm sorry for, well there's probably more but here's some of them:
I'm sorry I can't drive so you have to do those long horrible drives everywhere
I'm sorry I always try to get you to come for a run with me even though I know you hate running
I'm sorry I always so no to seconds but then nick some of yours
I'm sorry I stole your KitKat and told you hadn't making you think you'd gone crazy by eating it or losing it for two whole weeks
I'm sorry I have a tendency to break things over the value of £20
I'm sorry I made you sleep with the light on one night because I was paranoid someone was going to break in
I'm sorry I wake up from crazy dreams in the middle of the night and have to tell you about them right then
I'm sorry I ask stupid questions
I'm sorry I get drunk and want to sleep on the bathroom floor and continually ask me if you love me
I'm sorry this post is probably a bit personal
Enjoy Valentine's Day everybody, for cheap ideas on how to spend the day/weekend check out last years post.
Until Monday,

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