Her at Newcome we've done two big musters over the past few months. Mustering means long, hot days, lots of dust and aching legs by the end of the day. 'Smoko', or morning tea, and lunch times are normally the highlight of the day and this year I was camp cook and had the honour of rustling up several smoko snacks and lunches.
One of the morning tea treats that went down, well, like a treat, was my chocolate and vanilla cupcakes. Cupcakes that have since been referred to as Johnny cakes, though there's a lot of discussion and debate around what's a Johnny cake, patty cake and cupcake?
However, that's not why we're here. Today I am gifting you my yummy cupcake recipe. It's easy to whip up, decadent and will be sure to convince your friends that you are king or queen of morning tea.
For the cake:
150g self raising flour
200g butter
200g caster sugar
50g cocoa powder
4 eggs
1tbsp milk
Preheat your oven to 180C/365F/Gas Mark 4 and put 16 cupcakes cases into a muffin a tray.
Cream the butter and sugar together until they are light and fluffy.
Crack the eggs into a seperate jug or bowl and beat them until the eggs and yolks are well combined.
Add the eggs to the butter and sugar mixture a bit at a time, mix in between additions so all the ingredients are really well combined.
Next sift in the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder and stir all the ingredients until it looks glossy, and chocolatey and like you want to dive in there and then.
Now add the milk and mix again.
Once everything is really well mixed divide between the cupcake cases.
I filled mine with two teaspoons per case.
Bake for 20 minutes.
Before removing from the oven make sure the cakes are cooked by stabbing them with a knife or skewer. If they knife or skewer comes out clean the cakes are cooked.
Leave the cakes to cool completely.
For the vanilla buttercream:
100g unsalted butter
500g icing sugar
2 1/2tsp vanilla extract
1-3tbsp of milk
Beat the butter until it is very light and fluffy. This will probably take about five minutes. Think of the arm workout you'll be getting.
Gradually add about half of the icing sugar beating well with the butter.
Slowly beat in the vanilla and 1tbsp of the milk.
Slowly add the remaining sugar continuing to beat the mixture.
If necessary add the remaining milk to create your desired consistency. I used two tablespoons so the icing was thick and held it's shape on top of the cake.
Once the cake is completely cooled spread the buttercream mixture onto the cake. I like mine to look rough and a little messy but you can pipe the mixture and add other decorations such as chocolate chips or sprinkles.
I hope you enjoy this recipe let me know if you use it in the comments below or tweet me with a picture of your creation.
Until next time,

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