Well it's September already can you believe it? Nine months of 2015 down, three to go, just to scare you some more. I hope you all had a brilliant August and if you're in the UK had a beautiful summer and if you're here in Aus enjoyed some cooler weather before the summer months hit.
I had a great and busy August. I feel like I've got back into the swing of things in many ways. I've been blogging more regularly, reading more and working out nearly everyday. I've also been trying out some new things like morning yoga and meditation. And wow what a difference it's made to my day.
Now we're in another new month I want to carry on with being in the swing of things and trying new things.
This September I want to try giving up added sugar. No that doesn't mean sugar completely, because sugar is in a lot of things including fruit and veggies and they're two things that I cannot live without. However added sugar, or foods and drinks with added sugar are things I can live without and that's what I aim to do.
Foods with added sugar are generally foods that don't contribute to a healthy diet anyway. Sweets, crisps, chocolate, ice cream, those sorts of things. And yes things that I really enjoy eating, especially ice cream, oh ice cream.
However things that you may think are healthy also contain a lot of unnatural, added sugar. Fruit juices, smoothies and healthy biscuits are some of these things. So these are things that will remain out of my diet as well this month.
Maybe you're considering doing this but think you couldn't cope?
Well, no added sugar doesn't mean you can't enjoy eating and food of course. Good quality dark chocolate usually doesn't have added sugar and good quality fruit juices and smoothies. And don't forget making your own is always an option. If you're a fan of fizzy drinks try soda water with added freshly squeezed fruit juice. Crisps are you weakness? Okay grill some sweet potatoes and regular potatoes until they are dry and crunchy.
So why not see how you go? You might surprise yourself.
If you decide to join in let me know in the comments below or tweet me and let me know how you get on.
Good luck,
Until next time,

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