After a rubbish August and a mediocre start of the month September has ended up being, on the whole, a good month. I can feel changes in the air and I'm so excited for Autumn to come. So, as with the end of every month, here's a few things I've been loving this month.
This month I've been making a conscious effort to try and keep my lunches meat free. There's no real reason but I really like experimenting with food and I feel like I always think of meat as a staple but there's no reason it should be. Vegetables are so versatile and so tasty, not to mention really good for you. I've made lentil bolognaise, spicy chickpeas and veggie burgers all of which will be up on the blog soon for you to try.
I haven't started and finished a book this month I just haven't been in the space for it. But at the beginning of the month I finished 'On the other side' by Carrie Hope Fletcher, which I loved. It was magical and beautiful and a great all round story. I'll have a full review up soon and hopefully more book related things next month.
I have been loving my Skinstitut products, and I'm not just saying that because I got sent them. I think they're great products and have done my skin wonders. I'll have wrap up of all of them next month once I've been using them for a full month but, spoiler alert: they're great. I also picked up some Epsom Salts last month to add to my baths and was a little skeptical but every time I've used them I've felt genuinely relaxed and renewed so I'm definitely going to be continuing to use them.
As you're reading this Jack and I are off in Dorset for a long weekend which I'm really looking forward to it. I really love Dorset but haven't been in a while so expect a post about that soon. I've just been generally enjoying get out and about locally this month and feel like it's been really good for me. Sometimes it's good to get out and appreciate what you've got at home first and foremost.
What have you been loving this month?
Until next time,

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