Autumn is officially here and it is, as it seems with everyone, my favourite month. There's something about the in-between seasons of Autumn and Spring that I just love. It feels a lot like the calm before the storm, the build up to the excitement before Christmas and Summer.
Having said that, it doesn't feel like Autumn is here yet in the UK. We're still being graced with lovely sunny, toasty warm days and I've worn sandals for a whole week now, which is a long time for the UK. It's nice to have a few days of sun though, hopefully it will hold out as Jack and I are thinking of taking another camping break at the end of the month. Though this one won't be followed by a month long hiatus.
I am sorry about that. I don't really like taking blogging breaks because I love blogging and more to the point, I like my blog to feature consistent and well put together posts. That was half the problem in itself. The blog posts weren't the high quality, planned and polished posts I like to feature.
As soon as I'd taken the first week off from blogging three times a week I realised I need longer than a week. I felt the most stressed and the most anxious I've ever felt. It came from nowhere and it felt pretty uncontrollable. August felt a lot like a long tumble down a mostly downwards hill with a couple of points where I could stand up and enjoy the sun for a little whole before I'd start rolling down the hill again.
That all sounds overly dramatic but at the time that's how it felt.
I don't know how or why but something at some point shouted 'STOP'. And slowly but surely, in the last 7-10 days of August I did. I looked for positivity in everything I could, I enjoyed the company, love and laughter of friends and family and I looked for inspiration and motivation actively rather than waiting for it to suddenly appear on my door stop again.
There were lots of contributing factors as to why I felt so down, some of them still ongoing which maybe I'll talk about another time. But there are only a few factors that made me feel better again and it made me realise it doesn't take much to feel happy and inspired. Enjoying life, seeing the positivity in it all and being grateful for all the wonderful things you have around you is almost all it takes.
I'm not shunning depression or anxiety and saying all you need to do is look at the positive and all your problems will disappear because that's clearly not the case and it's different for everyone. But for me, those things and few other (which again I might talk about another time - probably will) really helped.
This month I want to keep focusing on that. Everyone has down days that's part of human life. But this month I don't want to dwell on them and be consumed by them and let them go on and on all month long. Instead accept them, realise the anxiety is there and accept that but look at the positive and focus on that and focus on all the good, happy things around me.
I hope you all had an absolutely fantastic August and have a brilliant September ahead,
Until next time,

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