A new feature, and on a Sunday. Shock Horror. I was going to post this last weekend as that was technically the beginning of February but I wasn't 100% sure about it at the time but I've decided to go for it. So every first Sunday of the month I'm going to wrap up the month that went before it. It's a good oppurtunity to look at everything I've done over the month, combine the majority of the posts over the past month under one title. It's also good to see how the blog is developing and where I think I can go next with it. As well as that, anyone who comes along in the middle of the month or at the end doesn't miss out on anything as all my favourite posts of previous months will be in one post. It's a bit of a selfish thing really because it's basically a chance for me to look at what I've written over the past month and see if I've achieved what I wanted.
So I started January as most did, with some resolutions. December wasn't a great month for me spending most of it feeling a bit down and upset about a lot of things, but New Years Day gave the oppurtunity I needed to change all of that and kick myself up the bum and get into action. I decided to get healthier, worry less, see more of the world and enjoy myself. I think generally, so far, I've been quite successful. I've been running as much as I can, considering the 9-5 plus three hours for hunting down stories and shorthand, and I've been heating pretty healthy, again considering the constant need for chocolate on the course. I've definitely been worrying less, I've had the odd moment a couple of times when tiredness and stress has gotten the better of me and I've succumbed to a crying mess on the floor and some mini eggs, but generally the trajectory is upwards. Operation: See More Of the World, is always a-go. Plans for Australia get brought up at least once a day. Travel insurance is still to be purchased, detailed travel plans are still to be made and a packing list is still to be written. Australia is the only real point of call that we have but New Zealand and Thailand are still at the back of the mind depending on funds. I've definitely enjoyed myself more and have thrown myself into the course and made some brilliant friends. New people have and new things have always been a bit of an anxiety trigger but it didn't take me long to realise that everyone was in the same boat and I was actually quite privileged to be able to go home at the weekend, something that I wouldn't be able to cope with.
My tickets for Australia arrived this month which was very exciting. The £900 that left my bank account wasn't so exciting but needs must. It all got very real but it was good to be able to talk to Jack about the whole thing a bit more definitely saying without saying 'well if I get out there...'. We were able to sort out some more plans and get a better idea of what we want to do and see. It also definitely helped with the third resolution.
This year I also made some reading resolutions. Every year I set some sort of goal in terms of my reading but after seeing how successful my general resolutions were becoming after posting them on here for the world to see I thought that perhaps my reading would be as successful. As of yet, the theory isn't proving true. I've been so busy that reading has been thrown the back a bit but I am still reading and still intending on fulfilling all of these goals. I have got a twenty four hour flight to fill so I've got time.
Every Tuesday on the blog is Tuesday Travels. Generally this involved me waffling on about Aus plans and stuff Aus related. However, in January I temporarily moved out (excluding weekends) to Brighton for ease due to my course being located in Brighton. It was bit weird as it was the first time I've stayed away from home, more or less on my own, for more than two weeks. At twenty that's a bit embarrassing and a bit scary considering I'm going to Australia on my own in a few months, however it's all been fine. I've been doing time keeping, and getting myself up, dressed and out the door on time excellently and as of yet there's been no disasters.
Overall, January has been a pretty good month. It started off pretty down and dull but I managed to pick myself up and get on, something I'm proud off. Once I'd gotten over my mini panic phase the month was bright and shiny, not literally the weather has been appalling, and I've enjoyed my January. Let's hope it can only get better.
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