So we're back to resolution conquering. Eight weeks ago when I wrote my new years resolution post my fourth resolution was to 'enjoy myself'. I've noticed this is something I've already been conquering, particulary having started my new course.
Normally, something like that, being surrounded by new people and doing new things, would terrify me. However, this time I haven't let it. I suppose you could say I've grabbed my NCTJ by the balls and got on with it.
When I started the course I realised everyone was in the same boat, they knew as little about me as I did about them. So it was the perfect oppurtunity to put myself out there, not be so shy or anxious and make some new friends. I'm pleased to say I've succeeded on all counts and as a consequence have been enjoying my course more than I would have been otherwise.
It is something that I've been working on, and it's also something that's been helping me with resolution number one - I've found when I'm enjoying what I'm doing and focusing on that then I have very little time to worry about things or focus on the anxiety that could create. However, despite enjoying things being something I've already been working on, and succeeding at, I am going to continue to do so and this week I'm going to enjoy everyday. I'm not going to have a bad day this week. They do happen, no matter how much you don't focus on anxiety or how much you try to enjoy, everyone gets a bad day. Normally it's a day that involves shorthand.
This week I'm not going to let it happen. Bad days occur because I get overwhelmed by something and then get frustrated with it, again normally shorthand. This week I'm going to take it in my stride and make sure I don't let it overwhelm me.
To ensure I enjoy everyday, at the end of every post this week (excluding this one) there will be an N.B telling you what I particularly enjoyed that day.
Let me know what you're enjoying this week, and remember to enjoy everyday.
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