Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Top 4 Underread Authors | Wednesday Reads

I read a lot of different authors, but reading book blogs and watching a lot of booktube I'm aware there are more authors whose works I should be delving into but also who I should be reading more from. These are the four who I've chosen as my top four.

I read NW last year and really didn't like it. Since then On Beauty has been sat on my shelf collecting dust thinking that I won't like that either. However, I'm aware that Zadie Smith is a very accomplished author and a lot of people like her writing, particularly On Beauty. For this reason I'm going to give Smith another go and fingers crossed it goes better than the first time.

Gayle Forman is a name I've heard springing about booktube for a couple of years now. Since releasing Just One Day, she's released a sequel and I believe a third novel is due for release at some point. A lot of people raved about Just One Day and it sounds like my type of book. I've been restraining from buying it because my bought but unread book list is ridiculous however, I feel I may cave soon.

Again, a name I've heard banded about booktube A LOT. Eleanor & Park is on my shelf and has been for about six months and is also on my to read before Aus list. She's got a couple of books about that I'd like to read as well as Eleanor and Park but I'm planning on starting with the one I own once I've finished what I'm reading at the moment.

Tolkien fans don't eat me alive. I've only read The Hobbit and this is something that I plan on changing soon. As in when I'm sat on the plane soon. I love The Hobbit so much and love the child like feel it has, however I know the Lord of the Rings trilogy doesn't have the same feel which I'm nervous about but I'm looking forward to delving into the The Fellowship on my 12 hour flight to South Korea soon.

So they're my top 4 unread authors, what are yours, and any recommendations?

N.B Today I enjoyed a quiet bus ride home where I read two chapters of my books

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