Thursday, 24 April 2014

Post-Easter Crackdown | Thursday Talks

Despite all the sweet treats I've been showcasing on Instagram as of late, mainly because of Easter, I have still been trying to keep as healthy and fit as possible. My fridge and cupboards have been stripped back and the running shoes have been donned more often than normal to ensure I am as bikini ready as possible in three and a half weeks, because even though I tried to keep healthy over Easter I did eat my body weight in chocolate. I don't claim to be a health and fitness whizz kid, cause let's be honest my abs are still far from peeking out and I still struggle with the three mile run I sometimes manage, but I have picked up a few little tricks that make it all easier and so I thought I'd share with you. These are the things I'll be definitely sticking too over the next few weeks.

1) Don't buy naughty treats
When you're doing your food shop, don't be tempted to pick up the things you shouldn't. You don't need the multipack of crisps or the kitkats, even if they are on offer. Instead pick up some raspberries or some low fat crackers. Ryvita things or snack a jacks are a really good crisp alternative. Just as satisfying but without the naughty fats. Also, don't go to the supermarket when you're hungry. You'll be most tempted to by the naughty goodies then because they're quick to satisfy the hunger.

2) Don't cut out, cut down
It's ok to think that cutting out dairy or carbs or sugar will help you loose those extra pounds because it will, but it's not easily sustainable to it might not last. Instead of completely cutting out the things carbs, fat or sugar just cut down. Have things that aren't full of added sugar, and things that are low fat and low carbs. I try to have days where I don't eat dairy, or veggie days to help cut down the fattening stuff. This week I'm trying really hard to have no unnecessary carbs and no added sugar.

3) Find your exercise
Everyone finds different exercises easier. Some people can run for miles, some can cycle, some can do an hour of weights. Everyone's different. I try to change it up every week but workouts I can do in my own house are my favourite. I try to an hour a day and this week I'm going to be doing workouts in my bedroom as I'm revising for final exams as well so I'm staying in but next week I'm going to running and home workouts so I get enough cardio to melt that fat. Find what you enjoy and do it as much as you feel comfortable with.

4) Water and Green Tea
2 litres every day minimum. It stops you snacking, it keeps you hydrated, helps keep your skin clear and keeps your insides nice and clean too. I drink a glass with every meal and also carry a litre bottle with me which I feel up twice in the day which ensures I've drunk at least two litres. Over the next few weeks I'm also cutting out alcohol. I don't drink a lot anyway but alcohol can prevent fat burning so I don't want to be doing that. Also green tea is great to drink. It's full of goodness and is great for detoxing the body, a drop of lemon juice makes it super tasty. I have a mug in the evening before bed and it serves me well.

As well as alcohol, over the next three and half weeks I'm completely cutting out chocolate, crisps, bread and any unhealthy snacks. Fruit and veg all the way for me now.

So they're my top four tips: no naughty treats, cut down, enjoy exercising, and drink lots of water. Hope these help you.

N.B I'd like to point out I don't condone restrictive diets, I eat three healthy meals a day and snack on fruit and nuts if I get hungry in the day. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. It's not healthy.

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