Monday, 7 April 2014

There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy | Motivational Monday

Spring is here. And though sometimes the sky is still grey, and it still rains and some mornings you have to don the scarf as well as the sunnies spring is definitely here and it's beautiful. 

The flowers are bright, birds are singing, bees are buzzing all those little signs that better days are on their way are about and if that's not a reason to be happy I don't know what it is.

Sometimes it can feel like you're always going to be down. Stress is always going to be your company, doubt is always going to be in your mind and you'll never find a way out. It's not the case. Think of those feelings as the winter and spring is on it's way. And spring always comes.

That sounds so cheesy but if it helps you feel better about how you're feeling sometimes, and it does me, then go with it. Sure there may be more winters to come but this isn't Game of Thrones, spring and summer always come and they're never that far away.

Find the small things in your day that make it better. Don't look for big things to make you smile. Let the colourful flowers, or the smiley people or the ability to go for an evening walk without freezing your fingers off be the reason your day is a good day. 

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