Thursday, 17 April 2014

Rediscovering an old love | Thursday Talks

I've ridden horses for as long as I can remember. My cousin Kerry has had a horse, or been involved with horses all my life and as such I have too, almost. I started riding at about four or five, not properly just sat in the saddle with Kerry having the time of my life. But as I got older and understood horses more I got more independent with them and confident. I started riding twice a week up at a local stables and grew to love the past time almost to the point of obsession. I always wanted my own horse and in all honesty if I ever had the money to be able to have one, I still would. Anyway the stables I went to closed down and I never found anywhere else I wanted to ride. Last September, Kerry got a new horse and the plan to get me back in the saddle commenced. It's been something we've been meaning to do for months but haven't gotten round two until last weekend. 

It was so good to ride again. I was more than rusty and things that were drilled into me years ago have slipped - heels down, toes in, shorten the reins. But I still felt as confident as I did before and that was something I wasn't sure would happen. 

It's so reassuring when you can go back to something you left behind so long ago and enjoy it in the same way you always had. It was also lovely to see my two younger cousins being so brilliant on horse back. Doing the same things I was doing at their age and loving it so much. I just hope they don't forget how brilliant it all is like I did. 

I'd really like to get back into horse riding again but being so busy it's unlikely to happen. Might have to chat Jack up into going on a pony trek in Aus, or buying me a horse. One or the other.

P.s. I'm not going to ask him to buy me a horse. 

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