Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Coping With My Reading Slump | Wednesday Reads

Some of you may be wondering what a reading slump is, and this is a very valid thing to wonder. Essentially a reading slump is when you simply don't read at the same rate you normally do. For example on average I read four to five books a month, last month I read zero books. Not a single book. Though may I add this wasn't for lack of trying. Therefore, I was officially (and sort of still am) in a reading slump.

For the last month and seven days I've had absolutely no motivation to pick up a book and read. My TBR (to be read) pile is humongous, and so I am not stuck for choice and I have plenty of books that I am intrigued to read, or at least was when I bought them. But recently, the thought of picking up a book and sitting down and reading hundreds of pages in one go has not been putting the smile on face like it used to and this is something I've had to cope with, as a person for whom reading has always been a pleasure, this has not come easily.

Books, piles and piles of books, have been sat on my shelf, collecting dust and crying out to be read. And I've tried, oh boy have I tried. I've picked up around three books over the last month and not one of them have I finished, one I was close to finishing the other's I think I got two chapters in and gave in. I couldn't do it. I wasn't even bored of the story, or the characters or tired from reading I just quite simply couldn't be bothered.

If I'm honest I've probably had too much on my mind recently to really let myself be submerged in a good book and enjoy it fully so therefore I've been putting it off until my mind was once again calm, or as calm as my mind gets (we're talking the Irish Sea on a breezy day).

This was something that needed tackling, and this is how it is being tackled.

I have selected a book from my 'before Aus reading list' 'Muddle Earth'. It is technically a children's book and is also a re-read so shouldn't be too difficult to get through relatively easily. It won't take a lot of brain power as the language is simple, the story a fantasy and the plot not too mind boggling (though who knows with the mental state I seem to be in at present, though if a child's book boggles my brain maybe a psychiatrist might be in order). So essentially, out of determination to get cracking with the reading list and actually complete it before I fly, I'm starting simple to get back into the swing of it. Slow and steady wins the race, right? Yes that analogy definitely applies here!

As well as this, with my new years resolution plan going well as of yet (see here if confused) this seemed like the perfect time to get back into reading with my mind hopefully a little more at ease.

So, essentially what I'm saying is; although I said I'd keep you updated on my progress with my 'before Aus reading list' (I'm going to abbreviate that soon) in last week's post, I have no updates so instead here is a post where I moan because I haven't read in a long time. Basically a hugely long excuse for nothing more interesting on the reading front.

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