Thursday, 16 January 2014

The New Year Clearout | Thursday Talks

So you may remember, a few weeks ago I mentioned in a Friday Wrap Up I mentioned that I'd be spending the day clearing out my room. Although I'm a bit of a hoarder I hate clutter and mess and every so often I just have a massive clear out and general tidy up and for the last few years it's happened in the first few days of the new year and 2014 started in exactly the same way.

As I am a person who hates clutter and mess, I find that clutter and mess, therefore, stresses me out. As someone who gets stressed quite easily anything that will add to said stress is not good. Tidying and clearing out my room, for me, is both therapeutic at the time but also spending time in a more organised, tidy space also helps keep me calm.

My wardrobe, filing cupboard, make up stack and desk were the victims this clear out. My wardrobe will always contain items of clothing that I know I won't wear again, simply because I always convince myself to see how I feel about them next time to clearing out. This time, yet again, I filled another bin bag of clothing but don't worry, they won't be going to waste I'll take the bag down to the local charity shop so hopefully someone else will get some wear out of them. I also cleared through the five lever arch and eight ring bound files of A-Level notes. I ended up freeing up seven files from old notes that I know I'll never touch again. I did keep some purely because I put so much work into a lot of them and couldn't bring myself to throw them away. However, it does mean that I now don't have to buy any folders for the course I start on Monday so economical as well as organised.

I didn't really throw away anything from my make up corner or my desk it was more just a tidy up. For me it was particularly important that my desk was tidy as it is where I do a lot of work and spend a lot of time - planning blog posts, writing blog posts, reading news and working on course stuff. Having it tidy and organised makes it easier to work, everythings where it should be and I don't have to spend half an hour tidying it before getting to work.

Another reason I decided to have such a massive clear out and tidy was because I won't be living at home the majority of the time before I go to Australia. In fact I'll only be in my own bedroom thirty nine more times before I go. Obviously, I wont' want to spend any of that time tidying and sorting so by doing it down it means that I (fingers crossed) won't have to do it again before I leave.

If you are someone who benefits from an organised working and living space than go for it. Don't be afraid to throw things out, but recycle and give to charity where possible. Just because it's not the first week of 2014 anymore, doesn't mean it's too late to get organised. It's still so early in the year and there's still more than plenty of time to set it of to good start. So why not spend this weekend sorting through all the stuff you've been holding onto for years for no real reason?

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