Monday, 20 January 2014

No Excuses | Motivational Monday

Last Motivational Monday I told you all that every other Monday would be to motivate me (how very selfish of me)  to get on and progress with my New Years Resolutions.

I did this for the first time two weeks ago now and I focused on my resolution to worry less. I found it really beneficial for me in that it made me more determined to do as I said I would because I knew at the end of the week I'd have to report back here and I didn't want to appear a failure. However, I also had some response from some lovely readers letting me know that they'd found it beneficial as it helped them to focus on worrying less and that they also found it reassuring that they weren't alone in feeling down due to over thinking and worrying. Hearing that response was lovely and I was so happy that it had helped other people as well as myself.

So this week I'm focusing on another one of my resolutions, let me know if helps you with one your resolutions and how you get on this week.

One of my resolutions, the first one I wrote down, was getting healthier and fitter. I was doing quite a lot of running before Christmas and was really focusing on eating as healthy as possible. However, as was obvious, that faded away over Christmas and New Year but now I'm getting back into it.

I've started on the couch to 5k programme run by the NHS which is really great if your beginning running but don't really know where to start. It progressively builds you up from very little actual running (well jogging) to jogging for a full thirty minutes, which in theory works out to be 5k. I did some running before so this first week hasn't been too hard however I've been pairing it with some Blogilates workouts so it's not been that easy and can tell it's definitely going to get harder the further I get into the nine week programme.

This week, you may know, I'm moving to Brighton during the week (coming home and weekends) to complete a fourteen week intensive journalist course. I know I'm really not going to want to come home, pull on my running gear and go out after an eight hour day slogging over text books. But I'm going to do it. I have a goal and I'm determined to achieve it.

I saw the quote on the picture above on Pinterest the other day when scouring through my feed at a ridiculous hour in the morning. It really stuck with me. When you think about it an hour really isn't a huge part of your day and I actually only work out for half an hour - forty five minutes a day so it's even less (2% according to the quote). When I put it into perspective 2% of my day working on keeping myself fit and healthy is nothing and it's 2% well spent.

So this week when I walk in the front door and feel like collapsing in front of the TV with a double chocolate muffin in PJ's, I'll remember that half an hour isn't a long time and it's half an hour well spent. I will carry on with my workouts this week and as the weeks go on and I feel myself finding it easier I'll know it all those half hours, all those 2%'s, have paid off.

Have a think about it. 2% of your day, you could spend it watching Eastenders or you could spend it doing a little bit of exercise.

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