Monday, 6 January 2014

Overthinking Leads to Negative Thoughts | Motivational Monday (sort off)

So today's 'Motivational Monday' isn't motivational in the same way last week's was. Last week I posted a joyful little picture to encourage all you lovely readers to get up, out of bed and enjoy the day. This week my motivation is aimed more towards myself and also to help me achieve one of my 'New Years Resolutions' (see here if you're unsure what resolutions I'm talking about).

The resolution I'm really talking about is number 2 - 'don't worry so much'. Now worrying is something that runs in my family, bloody genes, particularly on the female side, it's not a particularly nice trait, it's certainly not something I enjoy doing and I often find it can ruin a lot of things for me. One thing that I've found really doesn't help with my worrying so much is overthinking. The situation can start of perfectly normal, then all of a sudden I've worked myself up into a frenzy because I've thought way too much into it and over analysed it. 

I've got a very special certain someone in my life at the moment and he's continually telling me not to worry so much, as unfortunately for him (and he'll never no how sorry I am for it) he's usually the one who has to deal with me crying over facetime because I've worked myself up over something ridiculous. I do feel awful afterwards when I realise I've probably made him worry for no reason because I've sent him 46 (slight over exaggeration) messages telling him how rubbish I'm feeling and mainly for that reason, among others, I'm going to sort this out once for all - well hopefully.

This week, and obviously continuing afterwards, but really trying super hard this week, I want to not overthink. I want to remain calm in all situations, breathe through anything that's making me feel stressed, down, or anxious and then carry on as before. It can be done, I know because I've done it before on occasion, but this week it's going to be on every occasion when anxiety is getting on top of me. I hate feeling down and anxious about things and that is one of the reasons I'm doing it obviously, but more than that it's not nice for the people around me when I'm suddenly upset for no particular reason and it's not fair on them.  
So this week hopefully Jack can look forward to a week where we won't have to begin every other conversations with 'calm down', or 'it's okay', or 'stop worrying' and by the end of it I'll feel better in myself. Fingers crossed anyway, I'll let you know on Friday. 

So tips for this week, breathe, calm, relax, don't overthink. 

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