Yes I can hear your cries of 'what about week 4' from here, let's just say it ran away with my ability to stay awake for more that five minutes, and took with it any enthusiasm I might have once been able to muster for learning shorthand. Last week was my first week on the NCTJ course, and the last week's posts probably have already informed you that it took a lot more out of me than I thought it would. I was shattered, more tired than I ever thought I'd be and I actually started this week with the worst cold I've had in ages. It has taught me, however, how to fully appreciate a good cuppa.
According to the pictures above the week has largely focused on food, which would be true. In the morning I'm working towards lunch, in the afternoon I'm working towards a biscuit with me tea and after that I'm working towards dinner. Even when I'm sleeping I'm sleeping towards breakfast. However, I no longer underestimate the power of a Belvita breakfast with a cup of tea at 10am. Definitely something to keep the power light on, at least until lunch time. Mini eggs have arrived back on the shelves, much to my delight. Not being able to get them throughout the year is a serious concern of mine, worrying about when they'll be gone again definitely take up too much of my mind. I've already been stocking up, but the two pictures above are slowly being devoured as I write this and try to revise five units of shorthand.
Shorthand has become a love hate scenario, the marmite of a journalists world shall we say. Words that are stripped to their skeleton and that are perfectly logical, but still why? It's definitely quicker to write it, if you can keep up with what's being said to you and aren't trying to work out which way an a indicator connects to an n without it looking like a deformed sausage. If you don't get it I wouldn't worry, I'm studying it and I don't get the simile either. It probably doesn't really work but I'm going with it.
Media Law happened for a whole day on Monday. Yes a whole day. Despite feeling like my head was going to fall off (due to serious headache due to flu) it was a reasonable day that went by relatively quickly. The lecturer made the mistake off putting on a video through which, in my ill and over medicated state, I nodded off just a touch. I learned a lot though and despite a few jargonny terms that I was little unsure about, understood it all. I can see I'm going to find it interesting though it's going to be the one with a lot of revision I feel.
I had a little go and doing some simple illustrations for future blog posts over the weekend. (Keep your eye out for the one above in a later post, I bet you can't guess which one?) I'm addicted to pinterest and the typography/illustration sections is one of my favourites so I thought I'd have a go. It was fun, and I'll try it every now and again for a few posts but it's quite time consuming, something that I haven't got a lot of at the moment. I enjoyed it though so maybe some more self-illustrated blog posts to come.
On Wednesday I received a little package in the post. At first I thought I had a stalker, then I recognised my mum's hand writing. First thing you should know about Brighton, when it's cold it's freezing, when it's warm it's boiling. At the moment it's freezing and beyond. I get cold hands anyway, as standard, but I forgot my gloves and blue fingers at the bus stop were becoming my trade mark. So Wednesday I came home to a package from my mum containing my gloves. What a cutie. No more trade mark blue fingers, instead I'm going for girl who can't walk on bus while moving.
So that was my week, a pretty busy one. I'm looking forward to a pretty relaxed weekend, though that's unlikely when shorthand is on the menu. Hopefully I'll be seeing Jack's mum for a coffee and a catch up and possibly going to the rugby on Sunday if the rain holds off and the ground dries a bit.
Hope you all have a good weekend. I'll be back to do it all again on Monday.
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