Wednesday 8 February 2017

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

Basa with curried vegetables and rice

I love a fish curry, scrap that, I love a curry full stop but fish curry is just a bit different and something I don't always go for. With a soft white fish like basa the flavour can be overwhelmed by the spices so I decided to change it up a bit and this is what happened.

You will need

1 basa fillet per person
1 large sweet potato
1 butternut squash
1 red pepper
1 red onion
2 cloves of garlic
150g sugar snap peas
3 tablespoons red curry paste
1 tin of coconut milk
75g rice per person

How to

Preheat the oven to 200C/392F/Gas Mark 6
Prepare the base by seasoning with salt and pepper and drizzling with oil. Wrap the fish in foil and put to one side for later.
Peel the sweet potato and squash, remove the seeds from the squash and chop into cubes. 
Roast in the oven for about 20 minutes or until just soft.
Whilst the vegetables are roasting dice the onion and pepper. Crush the garlic and finely chop it. 
Remove the vegetables from the oven and reduce the temperature to 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4.
Put the fish in the oven and bake for twenty minutes.
Heat a small amount of oil in a frying pan and add the onion garlic. Cook for about two minutes before adding the curry paste. Stir fry the onions with the paste before adding the peppers and beans. Cook for another few minutes.
Pour in the coconut milk and add the roasted vegetables. 
Allow to simmer whilst the fish cooks. At this point bring a pan of water to the boil and cook the rice. 
Keep stirring the vegetables as it will begin to thicken up as it cooks and you don't want it to catch.
Once the fish and rice are cooked serve up and enjoy.

Lemon Pea Lifestyle etc


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